Acura manuals

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Acura manuals

When you’re focused on performance, your imagination sees possibilities everywhere. That perspective created the ILX, a driver-centric approach to engineering we call Precision Crafted Performance. With it, every curve in the road, every parking garage ramp, every tight roundabout, and every wide-open passing lane is an opportunity to enjoy a premium performance experience. Welcome to one of our most spirited vehicles, the Acura ILX. The new ILX sets the s tage for premium performance well before you enter the driver’s seat. Its low, wide, athletic stance communicates the cornerhungry nature of the spor t sedan.

Manuals for Acura cars:

Acura ILX 2013-2025 Owner's Manual Take one part car shoppers' desire for improved fuel economy, add two parts automakers' never-ending quest to bring younger buyers into the fold, shake well, and you have the Acura ILX. Although based on the Honda Civic platform, the Acura ILX has enough different about it to fully justify its position as Acura's most affordable luxury sedan. It starts with sleeker styling as well as a higher-quality interior.